
Friday, August 23, 2013

Best Tips For Growing Croton ( Codiaeum Variegatum punctatum aureum) at Home

Croton growing in container

Codiaeum variegatum punctatum aureum, an croton plant, is  known for its characteristics beautiful leaves. It is a variety of variegatum species of Codiaeum genus under poinsettia family. Its lanceolate( needle shaped ) leaves can grow upto 30 cm long. Leaves have bright yellow spots or patches on leaves which make the plant spectacular. This croton is evergreen shrub which is suited as indoor plant. Growing conditions are same as needed for other crotons. 

It is propagated from stem cuttings. Take stem cuttings from the existing plant after current year’s growth has been completed. Dip the cuttings in rooting hormones or honey for enhance chances of rooting. Then plant these cuttings in fresh potting mix or soil. Cover the container having cuttings with plastic bag until roots come out the cuttings.

Container / Pot
You can use medium to large sized container as they grow as a bushy plant. Container should have good water drainage facility to avoid water logging. Use small stones or brick pieces at container bottom to facilitate water drainage.

Soil should be well drained , porous and enriched with organic matter. Use decomposed yard manure and leaf mould to make it more fertile. Normal purpose red garden soil will work too. You can get it from nearby local nursery / garden centre. Potting mix should not contain too much of nitrogen.

Sun / Temperature
It is most important aspect for any of croton plant. They require bright sun light to maintain foliage color. Croton prefers warm and humid conditions. In mild climate the plant can tolerate sun for longer period. It does not like cold wind.

Water regularly and keep soil moist evenly. Never over water it. Mist plant leaves to maintain humidity. You can wash plant leaves with water occasionally to keep it glowing.

Use normal purpose fertilizer of liquid fertilizer biweekly. Nutrient deficiency results in smaller leaves which may drop off eventually.

As the plant grow as a bushy plant so doesn’t require pruning much.

Real time pics-

Growing Croton in container

New Growth on Croton on rainy season

Check out another Croton plant with beautiful foliage.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Best Tips For Growing Jui ( Jasminum molle ) plant at Home


Jui (Jasminum molle) belongs to same oleceae family which also have scented plants like Indian Jasmine (Jasminum sambac) and Spanish Jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum). Growing requirements for Jui are more or less similar to what are needed for other Jasminum plants. It is a medium sized fast growing  evergreen shrub which show vine like growth if left unpruned. The plant bears white color scented flower. Leaves are ovate shaped (  generally bigger than Chameli (Spanish Jasmine). It blooms in summer profusely. Jui’s flower are used as worship material in India. Garlands are also made using it. So read below tips for growing Jui at home successfully. It is known by other names like Jai, Yuthika, Banamallika in India.

Jui is propagated from semi hardwood stem cuttings. Semi hardwood cuttings are pieces of plant stem which has matured partially after the current year growth. Take 4-5 inches of stem cutting and dip in rooting hormone or water overnight before planting into soil. Cover the container having cuttings with plastic bag and keep soil moist.
Jui can be grown from seeds too. Seeds can be collected from existing plant itself once pods dry on plant. 

As Jui is fast growing plant so use medium to large size container otherwise you will require repotting frequently. You can use plastic container too. Container should have good drainage system as the plant doesn’t like water logging.

Use well drained soil mix. Normal red garden soil also works well. Add vermi culture to enrich soil quality. Slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soil is good for the plant.

Sun /Temperature
Jui like other Jasminum (i.e. Mogra , Chameli ) like warm conditions. It grows best in full sun exposure. 4-6 hrs of sum exposure is good for Jui’s good show of growth. Partial shade will work too.

Keep soil moist. Water regularly but do not over water it. Let water drain from holes at container bottom so that plant roots do not stand in water.

Use normal purpose compost twice a week or liquid fertilizer for boosting bloom.

Real time pics-

Jasminum molle ( Juhi ) before blooming

Bloomed Juhi
(taken on 3rd-Aug-2013)
New growth on Jui in month of september

New Growth on Indian Jui

twig on Indian Jui

 Will update the post once the plant has bloomed profusely. Read tips on growing Indian Mogra, Spanish Jasmine aka Chameli.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Best Tips For Growing Calathea zebrina at Home

Calathea zebrina

Calathea zebrina is member of Calathea plant family. It is often mistaken as Marantha zebrina ( Prayer plant ) or zebra plant (Aphelandra squarrosa ). It has characteristics green ovular shaped leaves which are striped in white or yellow. It is native to Brazil and upon proper care can grow up to 3 feet tall. This plant has been given Award of Garden Merit by Royal Horticultural Society. Follow below tips for best results. It is also known as Zebrina in India.

C. zebrina is propagated through division at the time of repotting. At the base of plant cut the rosettes (modified stem) with sharp knife to divide plant. Cover container with these new divisions (divided plants) with polythene until active growth starts again.

Use medium sized container or pot with proper drainage holes. Put stones or bricks pieces on drainage holes to facilitate water drainage. Repot the plant when it gets too crowded. Generally repotting is done every two years. 

A well drained potting mix will work well for it. Soil should hold moisture in as this plant requires higher humidity level. You can add compost or manure to enrich it. 

Sun /Temperature
C. zebrina grows well in shaded or area receiving indirect sun light. Temperature should be maintain between 60 -70° F ( 15-20 ° C). Maintain high humidity condition by misting the plant several times a week or put a water and gravel filled tray at pot’s bottom. 

Water regularly during growth season and keep soil moist. Cut down watering in winter. Let soil dry out between two watering sessions. Do not allow plant to stand in water as it will cause root rot.

Feed regularly throughout growing season with liquid fertilizer. Dilute liquid fertilizer before using.

After every two years repot it in fresh potting mix. Divide the plant during repotting.

Real time pics-

characteristics leaf pattern

Read tips for growing Croton  plant at home.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Best Tips For Growing Croton ( Codiaeum variegatum pictum ) at Home

Croton Plant (Codiaeum variegatum pictum) is one of the most beautiful foliage plant I have ever come across. Its  yellow, orange, green and golden mix leaves glow when lit with bright sunlight.  Crotons belong to It  grows 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. But this plant need a lot of caring to grow indoors. It produces white, small flowers in winter. It is member of Euphorbiaceae family and native to southern India, Sri Lanka , Malasia and western pacific ocean islands.

Crotons are easily propagated through stem cuttings. Take stem cuttings in spring ( around March, April ) from existing croton and dip in rooting hormones for better odds of success before putting in potting mix. It will take around 1 month to root.
You should avoid growing crotons from seeds as there is less chances of success also croton grown from cuttings only resemble parent plant. Seed grown croton will show lot of unwanted variation.

Container / Pot
Crotons are suited to grow indoors in container.  Use medium sized container. Repot in bigger one when container gets too crowded.

Use well drained peat based potting mix. You can use red garden soil too. It works well. Dry air or soil will cause croton leaves to fall off.

Sun / Temperature
Sun light is very important factor as croton’s leaves vibrant color depend on bright light. Give croton bright indirect sun light. They thrive in dappled sun light.  Growing indoors keep temperature between 60 – 85 ° F (15 -30 °C ) always.  

Flowers on cortonKeep soil evenly moist in summer and reduce watering in winter to biweekly. Mist daily if possible as they are high humidity loving plant. Wash plant leaves to maintain glow.

Use liquid fertilizer on biweekly basis.

Repot the plant when crowded.  Plant generally does not need pruning as it grows as a bushy plant.

Real time pics-
Croton growing in container

Croton after 1 month growth

Growth in Croton in rainy season

Croton flaunting new flush of growth

Check out growing tips for other plants like Money Plant, Night Blooming Jasmine, Marigold, Hibiscus.