
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Best Tips for treating Aphid infestation on plants

Aphids on Hibiscus leaves

Aphids are common pest of home garden. They are attracted to new growths on plants. Aphids reproduce and move from one plant to another plant very quickly so it is important to control them as soon as signs of infestation appear. Below are the tips of identifying and treating aphids.

Aphids are tiny ( 1/32’’ to 1/8’’ ) pear shaped green, white, black, brown or pink sap sucking insects having long antennae and two hind projection out of posterior abdomen. Aphids reproduce and multiply in no time. It takes nymphs 1-2 weeks to reproduce. Female lays eggs on leaves,  bark and eggs hatch in following spring. In very mild climates and in greenhouses aphids may reproduce whole year.   Aphids are highly mobile, they move from one plant to another very quickly. Aphids secret a sugary substance called honeydew which attracts ants as well as allows a sooty mold to grow.

Identifying Aphids

Hibiscus bud infested by AphidsWatch for green, black or pink pear shaped insects on new growths like soft green stem and flower buds as Aphids tend to infest on new growths of the plant. This result in deformed young foliage and flower buds falling off the plant. 

Treating Aphids

1. Press and kill mealy bugs in case of small infestation, it sends off chemical signal that may warn other aphids.

2. Snip off the plant part if infection is seen in only a part of the plant.

3. Wash aphids away with strong blast of water. Repeat it if required.

4. Wash the plants with water mixed with mild detergent.

5. Use a homemade garlic spray, mix crushed garlic with water and allow water to   become infused with garlic scent. Aphid doesn’t like smell of garlic and move away from the plant.

6. Wipe aphids off the plants using cotton soaked in rubbing alcohol.

7. Buy ladybugs or parasitic wasps which feed on aphids. You can order them online.

8. Use neem oil spray, it is derived from neem tree ( Azadirachta indica ). It is safe to use neem oil on food, vegetable and ornamental plants.

8. Purchase insecticidal soap from market. It works on aphid’s cell membrane making it weak and collapse ultimately resulting in fluid loss from aphid body thus killing it. 

Check out tips for controlling Mealy bugs infestation and Powdery mildew on plants.

Best Tips for treating Melay bugs infestation on plants

Mealy bug visible on Cesturm leaf

Mealy bugs and Aphids are the insects which every gardener should be aware of. Both of the insects tend to feed on indoor plants. So you should be always looking for early signs of infection by regularly monitoring the plants. Below are tips for identifying mealybugs and treating their infection on the plants.

Mealy bugs

Mealy bugs are scale insects having fringes around their bodies. They secrete a wax powdery layer around themselves which makes them look as they have been coated with floor or meal, that’s why they are known as Mealy bugs. This layer is the reason that they are so hard to kill. Mealy bugs are plant sap drinking plant which makes leaves distorted and yellowing. They produce a sugary substance called honeydew which attracts ants and encourages growth of a fungus called black mold.

Identifying Mealy bugs

Mealy bugs colony underside of Cestrum leaf
Mealy bugs are small (one tenth of an inch) fringed body insects identified by white powdery coat around their body giving them small white cotton balls appearance. They generally hide on under leaves or can be spotted on stem joints (nodes). 

Treating Mealy Bugs infection

1. Wash mealy bugs away with a strong blast of water. A steady and strong stream of water can dislodge mealy bugs easily. Keep checking under leaves, joints and repeat the process if infection persists.

2. Wash the plant with detergent mix water, this will cover the bugs and suffocate them. You may repeat it many times depending upon severity of infestation.

3. Press mealy bugs with cotton soaked with rubbing alcohol and swipe them away.

4. Spray the plants with insecticidal soap. It is made up of mild detergent and pyrethroids.

5. Use mealy bugs specific pesticide for immediate result but this method is not recommended because it a temporary method of controlling mealy bugs.

6. In case of severe infestation discard the plant part or whole plant itself to prevent the infestation spreading to other nearby plants. 

Check out tips for controlling Aphid infestation on plants.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Best Tips for Growing Gerebra daisy at Home

Aster Gerebra daisies are lovely flowers which are known for colorful blooms ranging in pink, purple, white and blue. You must have noticed this flower in bouquets and vases gracing tables at home. It is preferred in floral arrangement due to its long lasting blooms and strong stalks. Generally gerebra has yellow disc made up of florets (a disc is made of number of florets – small flowers) at the center. Gerebra can be grown as annual as well as perennial. They add a pinch of color in autumn and summer gardens. The plant’s height ranges 1 – 5 feet depending on the variety. 

Gerebra are propagated from seeds mostly. Gerebra seeds germinate quickly upon finding good condition. You can start them in early winter or late spring (Nov / Dec). Seeds would require adequate sun light for germination. Sow 2-3 seeds in each container / pot. Soil should be well drained and moist. Cover the container with plastic bag so that required moisture level could be maintained in container. Within 2 weeks seeds will germinate. Now move the saplings in direct sun location as Gerebra grows well in direct sun light.
You can propagate Gerebra by dividing it in early spring when plant is actively growing or late fall when they have stopped blooming. Dig up the plant and divide roots into 2-4 sections and plant into another containers.
Gerebra can be grown from cuttings too. Take cuttings just above the nodes on stem and plant in containers. Cover the containers with plastic bag to retain moisture in it. 

Use a small to medium sized container as they grow to a limited height. Container should  have adequate number of drainage holes so that plant is not water logged.

Gerebra is grown in well drained soil. You can use loamy soil enriched with organic matter like dried leaves, manure and vermiculite. Vermiculture enhances  fertility level of soil.

Sun / Temperature
a bud growing into flowerGerebra is sun loving plant. Provide them as much as light possible by keeping in direct sun location. They can be grown in partial shade location but number of blooms will be less.

Water regularly, keep the soil moist. They have high water requirements. Do not over water the plant as it can induce root rot.

Feed plants with liquid fertilizer when plant is actively growing and blooming. 

Gerebra is susceptible to aphids, mealy bugs and spider mites. Keep an eye on them and treat the plant immediately.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Best Tips for rooting Money plant in water

Money plant ( pothos ) is one of few plants which can be directly rooted in water and may be this is the reason of its popularity among naive gardeners. Below is the step by step guide for cutting and rooting money plant vine in the water.

1. Select a healthy looking money plant vine. The vine which you select for taking cuttings should not be having any visible damage, infection on it. 

2. Make a clear, sharp cut at 45 degree angle on just above   a  node. ( node is the distinct visible joint on the vine   from where leaves emerge)

3. The cutting should have minimum 2-3 lodes on it.   However in case of money plant you can have as many leaves as you want. 
Some nodes are below the water level

4.  Put the cutting in a soft drink bottle ( cut from top ) or   jar filled with water. Water should be clean and clear. Avoid using dirty water as it can have harmful bacteria   in it.

roots visible in vine
5. Keep the small outgrowth at nodes below the water level, these outgrowths (sometimes called nodes only) grow into roots. In 1-2 weeks roots will start developing.  

closer view of developed roots
6. Put the above jar or bottle on shaded place where money plant gets indirect sun light.

7.  Keep changing water as soon as you find it turbid or better change it every week.

8.  If you want then add few drops of liquid fertilizer to it.
Also check out best tips for growing Money Plant indoors.