
Perennial Plants

Perennial Plant is a plant which lives for more than two years. Perennial plants grow and blooms in spring and summer, die back in every autumn and winter and come back from root stock again in spring. Perennial plants are different from shrubs and trees which lives for many years.

List of Perennial plants on DesignGreenIndia - 

1. Rose
2. Hibiscus ( China Rose / Gudhal)
3. Jasminum sambac (Indian Jasmine / Mogra)

4. Cestrum nocturnum ( Raat Rani / Night Blooming Jasmine)
5. Curry Plant (Murraya koeningii)

6. Gerebra Daisy
7. Banana
8. Papaya
9. Bougainvillea
10. Allamanda
11. Pelargonium 
12. Jasmninum grandiflorum ( Spanish / Royal Jasmine, Chameli)
13. Jasminum molle ( Indian Jui)

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