
Tip of the Day


Coffee Grounds as Houseplant Fertilizer - Coffee ground is useful for acid loving plants like tomatoes, blueberries, Calathea, Dieffenbachia, Evergreen, Aloe etc. It releases N element required by plants for good growth. So save some coffee grounds after preparing coffee and keep your plants happy.


Epsom Salt as Houseplant Fertilizer - Epsom Salt ( Magnesium Sulfate) is a good houseplant fertilizer. The science relies in Mg and S element which is considered as one of Macro nutrient required to proper growth for any plant. It is particularly beneficial for rose, Impaties, Petunias and Pepper Plant.

Tip# 6

Best Soil of Annuals - Loamy soil is considered ideal for most of the annuals.

Tip# 5

Aphid Control - Aphid can be a problem for any plant. They like to feed on new developing leaves and buds. If left untreated , they can take our your plant within few days. To get rid of aphid use a strong blast of water or water mixed with soap powder. Do it regularly or on an alternate basis according the severity of infection.

Tip# 4

Maintaining soil pHAcidic soil is counteracted by using limestone and Alkaline soil is treated with sulfur.

Tip# 3

A Perfect ContainerClay or Plastic whatever type of container you use, it should have drainage holes. Keep small bricks or rock pieces on drainage hole to make passage of water out of container smoother.
In absence of good drainage system, water will accumulate in the container depleting air pockets in the soil , ultimately depriving plants from oxygen, thus roots start to die and plant ceases with the time.

Tip# 2

Signs of Under watering - Brown crispy leaves , leaves at base turning yellow and drying, droopy appearance, ground near base gets cracked, roots showing near the surface, wet soil.

In case of under watering roots do not get nutrients available through water for proper growth. Plant use remaining water to keep root moist and stem green. So in this process leaves gets dry and fall off eventually.

Tip # 1

Signs of Overwatering – Yellow / Brown wilted and limped leaves, leaves tips turning brown , Old as well as young leaves falling off, Moist Soil and Heavier pot or container.

In case of overwatering roots are deprived of oxygen which is required for energy production. Also it increases chances of fungal, bacterial infection and root rot.

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