
Friday, September 20, 2013

Best Tips For Growing Allamanda at Home


Allamanda,  popularly known as Golden Trumpet is a perennial shrub thriving in warmth and moisture. As shrub Allamanda grows very thick and get covered with yellow bell shaped   3 – 4 inches long blooms in growing season . Although it doesn’t have tendrils to climb but provided support can grow as vine too. Here one need to take precaution while growing Allamanda indoors as it is poisonous to humans. It whitish sap ( produced on cut) proved to be allergic and purgative. 

Allamanda is propagated from stem cuttings.  Take a 3-4 ΄΄ long young stem cuttings having two or more buds on it.  Strip off the leaves from lower half of the cutting. While choosing stem cutting make sure it doesn’t have any visible damage. Dip the cuttings in rooting hormone to make rooting process faster. Or you can dip the cuttings simply in water mixed with 2-3 drops of liquid fertilizer. Now make a 1-2 ΄΄ hole in container soil with help of pencil or any other object and insert the cuttings. Cover the container with plastic bag to retain moisture and humidity around the cuttings. Transplant the cuttings in larger container / pot once rooted.

Container / Pot
Allamanda is a bushy nature plant, large sized container is preferable as the plant gets heavy with the time. You may need to repot it every year. Regardless of size , make sure container has drainage holes at bottom to ensure smooth drainage of water. Put stone or brick pieces on the holes. 

Garden soil or black soil enriched with good amount of humus content will work. Soil should have good drainage property. 

Sun / Temperature
As mentioned earlier, Allamanda likes a lot of warmth and humid. They thrive in full to partial sun. To maintain moisture mist them every other day. Adequate light is required for blooming.

Water liberally throughout the summer.  Also mist it every other day to maintain moisture. Cut down watering in winter.

Feed the plant with liquid fertilizer in growing season and cut it down to once a month in winter.

Watch for mealybugs and aphids. 

Allamanda grows very rapidly and needs pruning due to its bushy nature. Also pruning increases air circulation in plant required for good growth.

Will be updating you once it's growing season starts. Find tips on growing other beautiful plants like Dahlia. 


  1. This has to be one of my favorite posts! And on top of thats its also very helpful topic for newbies. Thanks a lot for informative information!
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    1. Thanks Alex, for kind words. Glad that it was informative for you. Keep checking for more plants.
