
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Best Tips For Growing Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia is one popular houseplant which is known for its variegated attractive foliage. Commonly known as Dumb cane plant because it’s leaves contain calcium oxalate crystals when chewed  , causes tongue and throat to swell up. So the plant should be kept away from pets. Wear gloves  while handling it.  Provided good care it can live from 3 to 15 years. Follow below tips for  best results.

DieffenbachiaDieffenbachia is propagated form cane ( stem ) cuttings.  Cut the 3-5 ΄΄ long   top off the cane. Cane cutting should have at least 2 nodes ( it increases odd of success ). Strip off all leaves but two or three. Dry the cutting and try to root in a water. Keep changing water regularly to prevent any bacterial growth. You can add some drops of liquid fertilizer to  promote rooting. Once the cutting has taken roots, transplant it in other container . pot with regular potting mix.
Another way is to cut off the cane leaving 6 ΄΄ piece of the trunk on the parent plant. Remove the foliage from the cutting. Cut the cane in small 2 ΄΄ long pieces. These pieces should have an eye ( node / junction ). Lay the cane pieces horizontally on the soil and slightly push them in having small buds facing upwards. Make sure half diameter of the cutting is covered with potting mix.  Mist the mix so that cutting medium remains constantly moist. Check for roots after three to six weeks.

Use well drained container or pot. Put small pieces of bricks or stones on drainage holes to ensure good drainage.

Use well drained regular potting mix . One can use red gardening soil too.

Sun / Temperature
Dieffenbachia thrives in indirect filtered light. Keep the temperature between 18 -24 ° C. Direct sun light will result in scorched leaves.  In absence of enough sun light plant leaves may lost its variegation.

Water regularly as sporadic watering can result in brown leaves. Keep soil moist.

Feed once every two weeks. Cut down feeding to once in a month from September to February. Too much fertilizing can result in crispy , curled leaves. Flush soil with clean water to wash away any accumulated fertilizer. Wait a month before feeding again.

1 comment:

  1. waoo its best post for mein regarding Best Tips For Growing Dieffenbachia.


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