Plant of the Week

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a medicinally useful succulent plant.  It’s sap /gel has been used for treating burns, sunburns, itching etc for many years. It is low maintenance succulent which can be grown at home easily. Aloe vera’s  fleshy leaves grow in characteristics rosette pattern ( circular arrangement of leaves with all leaves at similar height) from the stem. Green fleshy leaves store water like other succulents and has white small teeth like scales on leaf sides. In India it is known as Ghikwar ( Hindi ) and Korphad ( Marathi). Check tips for growing Aloe Vera successfully at home.


Everybody knows as well as loves to have this plant on their home gardens. It is a perennial bush plant which comes over the years. It is one of best addition to any home garden. Rose is available in all possible colors. You can grow rose at your home easily. Check the tips for successful growing.

Cypress vine

Cypress vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) is included in one of best annual vines a gardener can have. It has feather like fine leaves bearing lots of star shaped tiny flowers. Flowers close in afternoon. But even without the blooms, it’s feathery, finely cut foliage looks great. Hummingbirds and butterflies is attracted to this vine. Cypress vine climbs to 15 feet or more.  It is called ‘Ganesh bel’ in Hindi. Read tips for growing cypress vine at home.


Known for their vibrantly colored blooms, Dahalia is a quick grower, easy to propagate and a beautiful additions for home gardens. Check out its growing tips.

Celosia Plants


Commonly known as wooflowers or cockscombs due to its flower’s appearance. They are grown as ornamental, medicinal and food plants. Celosia can be grown at home easily as annual. Read tips for growing celosia. 

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